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What shape has 100 sides?

A polygon with 100 sides is called a hectogon, centagon, or 100-gon.

What is a hectogon or hecatontagon or 100-gon?

A hectogon is a polygon with one hundred sides. The sum of all hectogon’s interior angles is 17640 degrees.

What is the shape with 100 sides called?

The shape with 100 sides is called a hectogon, centagon, or 100-gon.

What is a 101 sided shape called?

A 101-sided shape is called a hectakaihenagon.

What is a 999 sided shape called?

A 999-sided shape is called an enneahectaenneacontakaienneagon. However, the more sides you add to a regular shape, the more it tends towards being a circle. Therefore, a 999-sided shape would look very similar to a circle.

What is a shape with 1 billion sides called?

A shape with one billion sides is called a gigagon. It is a two-dimensional polygon with one billion sides.

What is a shape with 1 trillion sides called?

A shape with one trillion sides is called a teragon.

What is a shape with 10000 sides called?

A shape with 10,000 sides is called a myriagon.

Is there a 1 sided shape?

No, a shape needs a minimum of three sides to be considered a polygon.

Is a digon a real shape?

A digon is a polygon with two sides. While it is a valid mathematical concept, it doesn’t exist in the physical world as it cannot form a closed shape.

Is a rhombicosidodecahedron a polygon?

Yes, a rhombicosidodecahedron is a polygon. It is classified as an Archimedean solid, which means it is a convex polyhedron with faces that are made up of two or more types of regular polygons.

Is a rhombicosidodecahedron a shape?

Yes, a rhombicosidodecahedron is a shape. It is a three-dimensional solid with flat faces that are made up of different regular polygons.

What shape has 69 sides?

A 69-sided shape is called a hexacontakaienneagon.

What does a million-sided shape look like?

A million-sided shape, also known as a megagon, is a polygon with one million sides. It would look very similar to a circle, as the more sides a polygon has, the closer it resembles a circle.

What is a megagon?

A megagon, also known as a 1,000,000-gon, is a polygon with one million sides. When drawn, it would appear very similar to a circle.

Is there a 1 trillion sides shape?

Yes, a shape with one trillion sides is called a teragon.

What is a polygon with 13 faces called?

A polygon with 13 faces is called a tridecagon or triskaidecagon.

What shape only has 4 sides?

A shape with four sides is called a quadrilateral.

What shape has 10 total faces?

An octagonal prism has 10 faces. It has 2 octagonal faces and 8 rectangular faces.

Can a shape have 0 sides?

No, a shape must have a minimum of three sides to be considered a polygon.

What shape has 6 identical sides?

A shape with six identical sides is called a regular hexagon.

What’s a 13-sided shape called?

A polygon with 13 sides is called a tridecagon or triskaidecagon.

What is a 2 billion-sided shape called?

A shape with two billion sides is called a gigagon.

What shape has 10 total faces?

A shape with 10 total faces is called a decahedron.

What shape has 100 sides?

A shape with 100 sides is called a hectogon, centagon, or 100-gon.
