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What Is Joel Osteen's Strict Rule For Women?

Joel Osteen lives by many moral codes, but one in particular is designed to help him avoid potential scandals regarding women. HuffPost reported that the world-famous pastor follows the "Billy Graham Rule," which was invented by none other than fellow televangelist Billy Graham. The rule requires all men to ensure that they never find themselves alone in a room with a woman other than their wife to avoid temptation, the appearance of being unfaithful to their wives, and/or a scandal emerging from sexual misconduct allegations.

Osteen told The Christian Post that he makes sure to always follow this rule. "I think the key for me on that is to start every day — I take the first half hour of every day to search my own heart to ask God, 'Am I on track and doing this for the right reasons? Am I following what you want me to do?'" Osteen explained. "To me, you can have a lot of accountability and that is important. But I think you can hide things too." Osteen continued to point out that he feels it's important to be honest before God and always examine the reason why he does anything he is doing. "To me, when I stand before God having a pure heart, I can go out and be my best."
