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WWE Set To Replace NXT Championship Titles

NXT is a lot more to fans than just WWE’s developmental brand. Many wrestling fans preferred NXT over the years, because it offered a similar presentation to an indie show. For years, NXT was known as the black and gold brand. However, last year, NXT underwent a massive change.

NXT rebranded into NXT 2.0. Gone were the black and gold color fans had become accustomed to and they were replaced by lots of colors. WWE also introduced several new wrestlers who had no prior experience in wrestling. As part of the change, WWE introduced new rainbow color NXT titles.

After Vince McMahon’s retirement, WWE rebranded NXT again to include a mix of the old NXT and NXT 2.0. However, it seems like WWE is set to make one more change to the NXT product.

Belt Fan Dan, who often breaks stories about championships, noted that the rainbow NXT Titles are going to be replaced with the old design.

Word on the street is the rainbow NXT belts are going to be replaced with the prior non-colored ones. It was not noted how long it will take for this change to come through.

“Word on the street is the rainbow NXT belts are going to be replaced with the prior non-colored ones.”

This is welcome news for fans who liked the previous belt design. It will be interesting to see how WWE incorporates the new title belt changes into the storylines. Stay tuned to Ringside News as we follow this story.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments section.

December 14, 2022 3:52 pm
