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Who Is The Ref Luka Doncic Was Flirting With? N

Professional basketball player Luka Doncic is known to have made headlines recently after a stunning comeback run he single-handedly managed to produce to put his team on the winning spot.

According to the reports, Luka Doncic’s stance was dubbed as the first time in NBA history that a player of his caliber reached such a start line. “I’m tired as hell” was his remark after he put up the performance. The 23-year-old who was born on February 28, 1999, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, was known to have recorded a career-high of 60 points and 21 rebounds. It will interest you to know that Luka Doncic who is from Slovenia managed to score 10 points during regulation time and as if that was not all added seven more when it was overtime.

Who Is The Ref Luka Doncic Was Flirting With?

Luka Doncic was known to have been flirting with referee Ashley Moyer-Gleich during one of the matches. According to the reports, the referee called out a foul which allowed Luka Doncic who appeared to use flirty words on her.
