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Obituary: Malia Jusczyk Dies After Battling Cancer For Over 14 Years

Malia Jusczyk passed away on June 14, 2023, at exactly 4:40 PM, after a 26-month courageous battle with relapsed neuroblastoma, according to Glen Jusczyk on Facebook.

They looked for a miraculous treatment before they had to admit that her 14 years, 11 months+ were a miracle.

Everyone who knew Malia was inspired by her bravery and tenacity. The atmosphere was brightened by her grin, and her upbeat demeanor was contagious. All those who had the luxury of knowing her will miss her dearly.

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Malia’s life was sadly cut short, but the countless lives she impacted will carry on her legacy. Her devoted family and numerous friends will remember her memory.

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