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Race For Glory Audi Vs. Lancia (2024) Release Date: Recap, Review, Spoilers, Streaming, Schedule & W

Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia

News: Lionsgate’s long-awaited cinematic spectacle, “Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia,” is poised to captivate audiences, promising an adrenaline-fueled voyage into the heart of a legendary automotive rivalry. Brace yourself for an immersive experience as this film delves deep into the annals of history, showcasing the raw intensity and fierce competition that defined an era.

Helmed by the visionary director Stefano Mordini, this enthralling sports drama boasts an ensemble of stellar talents, including Riccardo Scamarcio, Volker Bruch, and Daniel Brühl. Crafted with a script collaboratively penned by Filippo Bologna, Stefano Mordini, and the remarkable Scamarcio himself, the film pledges an immersive storytelling experience. Set against the backdrop of the fiercely contested 1983 Rally World Championship, it promises to vividly resurrect the legendary clash between automotive titans Audi and Lancia, delivering a riveting narrative bound to resonate with audiences.

Stellar Cast

“Revving for Triumph: Audi versus Lancia” features an exceptional lineup poised to animate the adrenaline-fueled realm of rally racing. Riccardo Scamarcio, revered for his electrifying acting, joins forces with the adaptable Volker Bruch and the acclaimed Daniel Brühl. Their collective skill promises riveting depictions of drivers and pivotal personas entangled in the fierce Audi-Lancia rivalry.

The Plot

The movie revolves around the heated rivalry between Audi and Lancia during the 1983 Rally World Championship, a pivotal time marked by technological strides and fierce competition in rally racing. “Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” seeks to encapsulate the essence of this era, emphasizing the tale of the underdog and the unwavering quest for triumph that characterized those years. Set against the backdrop of demanding racecourses, the film promises not just a compelling storyline but also visually striking representations of one of the most thrilling periods in the history of motorsport.

High-Octane Experience

Viewers can anticipate “Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” as a pulse-pounding cinematic adventure. The official synopsis guarantees an enthralling underdog narrative that thrusts audiences into the heart of rally racing, promising a thrilling expedition through its dynamic terrain. With its direction, script, and cinematography finely tuned, the film aims to immerse viewers fully, delivering not just a compelling story but also showcasing the heart-racing action and strategic prowess inherent in rally racing.

Premiere and Release

“Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” is set for its much-anticipated debut in select theaters on January 5, 2024. Simultaneously, the film will be accessible through on-demand and digital platforms, catering to a diverse audience base. This strategic release accommodates both avid motorsport followers and casual moviegoers, ensuring varied viewing preferences. With fervent excitement from motorsport aficionados and cinema enthusiasts alike, anticipation surges as everyone eagerly awaits the chance to witness the legendary rivalry play out on the expansive canvas of the big screen.

“Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” stands as a thrilling, must-watch film for motorsport enthusiasts and anyone drawn to compelling narratives. Boasting a stellar cast, an engaging storyline, and dynamic cinematic artistry, the movie pledges an immersive journey, encapsulating the essence of the monumental Audi-Lancia rivalry during the 1983 Rally World Championship. The anticipation for its January 2024 release intensifies among eager fans eagerly awaiting the chance to witness this epic clash unfold on the cinematic stage.


1. When will “Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” be released?

The movie is set to debut on January 5, 2024.

2. Who are the primary actors in the movie?

Riccardo Scamarcio, Volker Bruch, and Daniel Brühl are among the main cast members.

3. Is the movie going to be accessible for streaming?

The movie will be accessible through on-demand and digital platforms.
