The Personal Info Tab stores important information necessary for standard forms completion. If you are utilizing any auto-filling forms software such as Laser App, much of the needed data will pull from this tab.
Watch the Video: Overview of the Personal Info Tab
Personal Info Tab Overview
To access the Personal Info Tab, open a contact record and click Personal Info. Click the Edit Personal Information link to modify any information on this tab.
- Initials : contact and spouse initials. This field is also used on the Insurance Tab under the insured and owner columns.
- Client Title : Title for the contact and spouse, such as owner, president, vice president, etc. Click the down arrow to select from a list. This list can be edited in List Data Maintenance. Note: This field does not sync with Outlook (See Job Title field below).
- Web Page: The personal or professional web page for the contact and the contact's spouse. Click the link to the personal web page in this field and Junxure will open the web page.
- SSN: Social Security Number for the contact and spouse.
- Assistant's Name: Name of the assistant to the contact or the contact's spouse.
- Assistant's Phone: Phone number of the assistant to the contact or the contact's spouse.
- Driver's License, Issue and Expiration Date: The driver's license data for the contact and spouse.
- Passport and Expiration Date: The passport numbers for the contact and the contact's spouse along with the date it expires.
- Citizenship Country: of primary citizenship for the contact and the contact's spouse. Click the down arrow to select the country from a list.
- Gender and Marital Status: Gender and marital status of the client and spouse.
- Job Title: The client’s specific job title. This field will sync to Outlook. The Job Title field for the spouse is not provided because no spouse field exists in Outlook.
- Important Info Tab: Enter important notes about the contact that you want to share with employees. This field also holds the text that would appear on any Alert notification activated through the Profile Tab. See Classification and Keywords for more information on adding this feature.
- Billing Note Tab: Enter notes about the contact's billing preferences or situations that you want to share with employees. The information in this field appears on the Billing Review List Report, which is a global report.
- Account Review Tab : Use the account review tab to keep notes about account review meetings and preferences. This information appears on the global Account Review List Report.
- Additional Note Tab: An additional area to keep notes about the contact such as calling preferences, or personal notes. This information does not appear on any report.
- Wedding Anniversary: Contact's wedding anniversary. For your convenience, Junxure calculates the number of years married just to the right of the date entry box.
- Residence/ Spouse Residence: State of primary residence for the contact and spouse
- Binder Type and Date Use Binders to track report packages or recurring forms given to clients and when they were last delivered. For example, a Financial Planning Binder or an Account Information Forms. Click the down arrow to select the type of binder and then enter the date. Binder types are created in List Data Maintenance.
- Junxure Code: Use this field if you have internal client numbers.
- Accounting Code: Use this field if you are importing revenue figures for your clients and using the Quickbooks™ interface.
- Vacation Start/End: When these fields are populated with a client's vacation departure and return dates, a note will appear on the client's contact info tab, as well as any on the Main Menu Search preview window and in the Action Detail screen, just above the phone numbers to inform anyone trying to contact the client to use alternate communication methods or numbers.
- ClientView Password: This add-on feature for Junxure can be purchased at an additional cost. This will enable you to batch reports and post them to an online vault for secure client viewing.
Edit Personal Information
Click the Edit Personal Information link to modify any information on this tab.
Click Close to save your changes.
Personal Info Subtabs
Located in the bottom of the screen, the Personal Info sub tabs allow you to store more information about your client. These tabs include:
- Important Info: This is a free form field that you can type any information that is important to note about your client.
- Billing Note: This is a free form field that you can type any billing information about your client.
- Account Review Note: This is a free form field that you can type any account review information about your client.
- Additional Notes: This is a free form field that you can type any additional information that is important to note about your client.
- Favorites: This subtab allows you to capture client favorites, such as foods, hobbies, charities, etc.
To add or edit the information on these sub tabs, click Edit Personal Information. The editable fields appear in the bottom right of the screen.
Click Close to save changes.