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Sean Diddy Combs Asks Fans To Help Celebrate Twin Girls First Birthday Since Mother Kim Por

Sean “Diddy” Combs‘ twin girls shared a birthday recently, and Diddy asked everyone to help them celebrate — especially because it was the first birthday they’ve had since their mother Kim Porter passed away at 47 in November.

“I need everyone to wish my babies @thecombs twins a happy birthday. Love you so much,” he wrote next to a video of the girls dancing down a long hallway.

Sean "Diddy" Combs asked people to help him celebrate his twin girl's first birthday since Kim Porter's death.


Diddy has been pretty open about dealing with Kim’s passing, and he described how difficult it’s been to continue on. He’s posted videos on the subject, as well as brief message, and has gotten a lot of support in return.

The 49-year-old also shared several photos of Porter — who was the mother of three of his children, including his 20-year-old son Christian — on her birthday of Dec. 15, and wrote how much he loved her. And just a few days ago, he posted a message about wanting to give up because the pain was so intense, before he decided to push through instead.

“The devil whispered in my ear ‘You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm,'” read Diddy’s message. “Today I whispered in the devil’s ear ‘I am the storm.'”

Just as they did over the past month, Diddy’s fans gave him all kinds of encouragement and told him that better days are ahead.

“Hang in there, Diddy,” someone wrote. “Storms pass.”

A lot of people also commented on the video that he posted of his twins girls.

“You’re doing an amazing job,” one person wrote. “Happy belated Jessie and D’Lila. It’s y’all time, girls. I promise you it is.”

“I love these girls,” wrote another. “Be blessed, ladies. You are the new generation.”

See the clip of the twins below.

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I need everyone to wish my babies @the_combs_twins a happy birthday!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH!! ❤️❤️

A post shared by Diddy (@diddy) on Dec 21, 2018 at 3:32pm PST
