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Not the Side Chick Wanting Sympathy: Ne-Yos Alleged Mistress Speaks Out After Filing for Ch

As the custody battle between Grammy Award-winning singer Ne-Yo and his youngest children’s mother heats up, Sade Bagnerise takes to social media to share details about her relationship with the then-married artist and images that reflect him in a way that many have not seen.

During his marriage to Crystal Smith, Sade welcomed two children with Ne-Yo, who finalized his divorce in February of this year. He shares three other children with Crystal.

The video features clips of the birth of the couple’s children, including him cutting the umbilical cord of one of the children and the first time he held one of the newborns.

In the next post in her Instagram Story, Sade also shares a private moment he had with his ex-wife, the woman he was married to when she had not just one, but two of their children.

Related: Ne-Yo Faces Criticism After Seeking Joint Custody of the Two Sons He Welcomed with Alleged Mistress While Married

She wrote, “I’ve privately APOLOGIZED profusely to Crystal for my role and she is such a strong beautiful FORGIVING woman.. but I spoke to a woman who was so confused and broken. BETRAYED. & misunderstood.”

“She is hurting and healing and as hard as he try’s to play tough guy he know he’s hurting deep down inside too,” she added. “He needs help… (love, support).”

Social media exploded with people blasting the ex-girlfriend for further inviting people into the toxic love triangle.

“Girl DONT !!!! I hate s##t like this cause now that she’s hurting she’s now seeing how the other woman must felt man FOH!!”

“I just feel like side chicks and cheaters just get dumber & dumber as the years go on….”

“Chile, apology NOT accepted. Bye trout.”

“Not the side chick asking for prayers cuz he won’t stop being trifling.  This is another level of audacity.”

Along the same line, another person wrote, “Not the side chick wanting sympathy.”

One person gave her advice.

“Grandmother said, ‘ How you get him is how you lose him!’”

Some people acknowledged that Crystal is not the only one that deserves an apology.

“The real victim is Monyetta made the woman tie her tubes for him to continue to spread his seed around. Crystal was the side chic too now.”

“All of this is Neyo’s Karma. His first wife did not deserve his ignorance.”

Ne-Yo and Monyetta Shaw never married but they were engaged and welcomed two kids. 12-year-old Madilyn Grace and 11-year-old Mason Evan.

In a separate post, Sade went into addressing reports about her filing for primary custody and child support after the “So Sick” singer filed for joint custody and paternity tests of their two boys.

NeYo’s side baby momma Sade explains she’s going to court with him to legitimize her sons… she also says she apologized to his ex wife Crystal after having two babies during their marriage… and she claims he’s battling addictions 👀

— IG @whisperswithbella (@Bellawhispers_) June 28, 2023

She said she is not “demanding child support immediately,” despite negative headlines hurting Ne-Yo’s feelings. She also admitted that Ne-Yo “has always been physically, emotionally and FINANCIALLY responsible” for her children since Braiden in 2021 and Brixton in 2023 were born.

Lastly, Sade explained the two are not going through a “nasty battle” and these proceedings are only a formality to change the children’s last name to his. She went further noting

“I genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that he is going through a midlife crisis and he won’t listen to the FEW OF US who keep trying to help him with accountability and his addiction(s).” He went onto blast the father of her two kids for hanging with the wrong “company” that supports and encourages his “erratic and embarrassing behavior and segg addiction.”

Ne-Yo has yet to address her allegations about his alleged behavior.
