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The Untold Truth Of Sadie Robertson

In 2015, several bombshells exploded directly on 19 Kids and Counting. It was learned that the eldest of the Duggar clan, Josh Duggar, molested five underage girls (including four of his sisters), had two separate Ashley Madison accounts which are "aimed at clients seeking extramarital affairs," and reportedly paid stripper and porn star, Danica Dillon, $1,500 for sex. The fallout was brutal, and the show got summarily canceled. Naturally, the general public had no sympathy for the eldest Duggar son and his parents who allegedly covered up the molestation claims. Sadie Robertson was not the general public.

"They almost canceled Duck Dynasty whenever my grandpa said the things that he said, and that would have been, in my opinion, not a very good decision, because that was putting one man's words in all of our mouths," Sadie told People. "Josh Duggar, that's not his whole family. His whole family didn't do that. He made a mistake."

A mistake? We guess that's one way to say it. Sadie continued her assessment of the situation by asking a lot of Josh Duggar's wife and sisters. 

"It's been kind of a secret for a long time, and everybody knows, when secrets come out, it's not fun. Secrets are hard. You shouldn't keep secrets," she explained. "At this point it is what it is, and so they're just going to have to make the best out of it.... If they can forgive him, it will all work out."
