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The Castles Of Scotland Are Home To Some Supernatural Beings

Another castle that stands on property held by a long family line that was given it as a gift by Robert the Bruce is Drum Castle, a tower house that has stood in Aberdeenshire since before 1323, when it was awarded to William de Irwyn. The Scotsman says that the castle has been renovated and expanded a number of times over the centuries, including the addition of a large manor house to serve as a home for William's descendants, known after his time as the Irvines. The Irvines hit hard financial times in the 1600s, which were only made worse when they backed the losing side in the Jacobite uprisings of the early 1700s. Things got better for them in the 19th century, however, and, like so many other Scottish castles, Drum Castle now belongs to the National Trust.

Or does it, perhaps, belong to ghosts? One common apparition at Drum is that of Anna Forbes Irvine, the wife of the 20th laird of Irvine. In the stables and the garden next to it, it is said that you can hear women laughing even when there's no one there. The corridors are filled with unexplainable heavy footsteps, and there's a bedroom, which is colder than the rest of the house, and where the linens get moved around even when the room is locked. In 2014, a motion-activated camera caught a photograph of a mysterious mist outside the castle that many believe was a ghost.
