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How Andy Cohen Really Felt About Working With Dan Rather

Watch What Happens Live host Andy Cohen revealed how he really felt about working with Dan Rather during a game of "Plead the Fifth." When asked who was the most difficult anchor he worked with during his time at CBS News, Cohen answered (via People), "I think it would be when I did a story with Dan Rather, and only because it was like maneuvering a head of state."

He then recalled a story that proved just how high profile Rather was at the time, saying, "we were shooting a profile on Don Imus and Don Imus' private plane got a flat tire on the runway. It was a Sunday and Dan immediately was like: 'Does New York know about this?' I'm like: 'No, it just happened, I haven't talked to New York.'" He continued, "it was literally like people in New York needed to know Dan's whereabouts at every second. It was like being with the president. It was really intense."

Of course Cohen went on to become quite the big deal himself. Since leaving CBS, Cohen not only became a top executive at Bravo, but also a popular talk show host and an Emmy-winning producer with his own radio channel and book imprint. Rather retired from CBS in 2005. It's unclear if the veteran anchor is a Bravo fan, but we're sure he's proud of how far his former co-worker has come!
