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How much sugar is in 8 oz of orange juice?

An 8 ounce glass of 100% orange juice contains around 21 grams of natural sugar and counts as a cup of fruit.Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, how much sugar is in an 8 oz glass of orange juice?An 8 ounce glass of 100% orange juice contains around 21 grams of natural sugar and counts as a cup of fruit. is the sugar in orange juice bad for you? Potential Downsides. Though orange juice is connected to several health benefits, it’s also high in calories and sugar. Summary Orange juice is high in sugar and calories, which may contribute to weight gain and high blood sugar. Drink it in moderation and opt for fresh-squeezed or 100% orange juice whenever possible. In this manner, how many calories are in 8 oz of orange juice? One 8-oz. glass of orange juice has close to 2.5 times the sugar and just one-third the fiber of a typical piece of fruit. The stats from the small juice contains 112 calories, 0.1 g dietary fiber, and 20.8 g sugar, while the fruit has 45 calories, 2.3 g dietary fiber, and 9 g sugar. An 8-oz.How much sugar is in a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice? Nutrition Information Calories 52 (219 kJ) Carbohydrate 11.6 g 4% Sugars 11.6 g Dietary Fibre 0.3 g 1% Sodium 9 mg 0%
